Monthly Archives: May 2019

IMPORTANT: upcoming schedule changes

May 8th, 2019|

Changes are being made to tomorrow's schedule to facilitate streaming. These changes will be confirmed shortly and will be put online as soon as possible. Please check the website later today.

Please return game discs

May 8th, 2019|

Please can any teams who have picked up game discs return them. We are missing some discs.

REMINDER: sunset party this evening

May 8th, 2019|

All event participants are reminded that the sunset party is this evening! Mik Menguci will be live at the venue - NoSolo Agua, near the eastern end of the boardwalk - from 18:00.

Lifeguard areas

May 8th, 2019|

Can all players ensure that they do not put their belongings or equipment in or on the lifeguard equipment at the beach.

Sunset party tomorrow!

May 7th, 2019|

The sunset party for all players starts at 17:30 tomorrow at NoSolo. All the details are in the event handbook that was in the player pack - see you tomorrow for some beach fun!